The list of products below are things we personally use and recommend for our clients, family and friends.
We are confident in these brands, and we’ve been using them successfully eithier ourselves or with our clientele. Based on the research that we’ve done and the experience we’ve had with these companies, we recommend these products because they genuinely help our clients achieve their health goals.
Some of the links below are affiliate links. We’re proud affiliates for some of these resources and if you click a link and make a purchase, we earn a commission - at no additional cost to you. We would NEVER recommend products that have not met our standards and achieved our absolute confidence.
We recommend that you don’t spend any money on products unless you believe they will help you achieve your goals.
Our Highly Recommended Products
Regular use of the Pso-Neck® pulls the head away from the neck, keeping the neck and shoulder muscles loose. It also provides decompression and the correct anatomical position for the neck vertebrae and skull, thereby protecting the lower back from excess load and trauma. The Pso-Neck® will also relieve tension and stress in the head, neck, and shoulders related to headaches, migraines, TMJ, sinus pressure, vertigo, blurred vision, and clicks in the neck. Use code “ALLEVIATE” at checkout and get 50% off!
Specifically designed to use one peak at a time on each psoas muscle, the Pso-Rite® is just as effective at releasing tightness in nearly every muscle of the body. Use it on your hamstrings, thigh, inner thigh, calf, glutes, lower back, upper back, triceps, biceps, and chest. Use code “ALLEVIATE” at checkout and get 50% off!
This helps release muscle tissue and trigger points which surround the lower spine. The gentle curve of the Pso-Back allows you to release muscular tension, decompress, and stretch the spine providing relief for pinched nerves, herniated discs, and spinal stenosis. Use code “ALLEVIATE” at checkout and get 50% off!
Shiatsu Neck and Back Massager with Heat
This is such a great self care tool to use between massages.
For dry, red, or sensitive skin: Soothe
I am amazed with how quickly this cream worked for my sons eczema!! His hands are back to normal after only 5 days. Lotion hadn’t done a thing, but within the first day of using SOOTHE the pain & itchiness stopped and his hands were back to normal after only 5 days.
Get Longer, thicker eyelashes!: Lash Boost
Lash Boost conditions your eye lashes and produces the appearance of longer, thicker eye lashes (&/or eyebrows). It contains peptides to nourish lashes, enhance durability & support more voluminous appearing eye lashes. It provides nutrition, protection, & moisture to the eye lashes. It is clinically tested for 5 years (no testing on animals) and lasts for 60 - 120 days (depending on # of uses)
Boost eyebrow fullness and volume instantly: Brow Defining Boost
It not only fills in your eye brow with color, but it gives a fuller "boost" to your eye brows! I use the medium version.
Hydrate your skin!: Active Hydration Serum & Redefine Multi-Function Eye Cream
I'm finally wearing less & less make-up confidently! I now wear make-up to ENHANCE my look rather than cover it up. My skin has gone from dry, blotchy and dull to moist, more clear and having more of a "glow". The Active Hydration Serum is my favorite! It is very effective in hydrating the skin by 200%. Applying moisturizer after using the serum will "lock in" the moisture. This serum lasts for approximately 60 days depending on the usage amounts. (Pics were taken with same lighting. Hair is simply parted differently. I have some lotion in the BEFORE pic & nothing in the AFTER pic. My skin is so much softer, vibrant, and has an even-tone now!)
Thieves Essential Oil Blend
Thieves oil is amazing to ward off viruses and build up your immune system.